Thursday, February 10, 2011

So, Whats up with this whole blog?

A while back, I really began to think about the food I was feeding my family.  All the additives and perservatives... they made me a little nervous.  I see so many people getting sick so young... and I look at my maternal grandparents who only ever ate what they themselves made, and then my paternal grandparents who not only made everything from scratch,.... they also GREW most of their own food.  Of course own acres of land with orchards and huge veggie patches and even growing cattle in their early years helped all that. (That and living in a perpetually warm climate where they could grow freshies year round.)  They all lived into their 80s.  My moms dad in his 90's, and my her mom is still alive and kicking at 89.
They had it right.  They didnt buy boxed mac & cheese... they bought noodles and cheese and milk and made it.  They used real butter in moderation instead of chemically made butter substitues.  They made homemade bread instead of bleached flour bricks that have no nutrional value.

I have spend over a year finding recipes, and making up my own.  I have a very picky kid... she doesnt like anything that has any vitamins in it. Not even fruits.  So, I have gotten sneaky.  Very very very sneaky!
I put pureed carrots and sweet potatos in tons of dishes.  I chop mushrooms up into miniscule peices and put them into dishes like mac and cheese.  I make smoothies with carrot juice as my secret ingredient.  I try to take our families favorite resturant dishes and recreate them at home.  I use the PA Dutch style food I grew up with (after I figure out how to make them a little more heart friendly).  We make homemade pizzas and stromboli.  We bake our own bread and grow our own veggies.

Organic?  Sometimes.  Organic is expensive.  I try to buy what I can... but I have also found some local farms that are, for all intents and purposes organic, but one little thing or another is keeping them from being certified.  Or the certs are just so expensive, they cant afford them.

So, I am hoping to post my recipes.  This is hard for me becuase I dont use recipes.  I do everything to taste.  I expirament and try new things... but I want to share.  I have been blessed with knowing people who can cook how have taught me things.  I am a homeschooling momma, so I can watch those awesome cooking channels.  I am hoping this blog can be a resourse for people trying to get veggies in those picky kids.  For moms who dont have time to figure out whats for dinner.  Even for moms with little time.  I have a couple tried and true crock pot recipes that I definitly want you to try!

So follow the blog... try some of them out... and leave me some feedback!! LEt me see pics of you attempts and tell me what worked, what didnt, and what you did differently!

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