Thursday, February 10, 2011

Carrot Puree

Ew... I know.  Carrot Puree, sounds like baby food.  But really, this is one seriously awesome and versatile way to add MAJOR Vitamins and serious nutrion to many many dishes!

When I make it, I make it in big batches and freeze it in small containers to add to sauces or even to use as baby food!

There are 2 ways to make this...

Boil method:
As many carrots as you want to use, cleaned, peeled, and cut into peices of the same size.
Put into a pot with salted water and boil until soft.
Put in a blender with a dash of black pepper and blend until smooth.
Cool and freeze!


Roasted (my fav!)
Again, as many carrots as you want to use, cleaned, peeled, and cut into same size peices.
Put in a bowl with some EVOO, salt, and pepper and pop them into the oven @400 until carrots are soft.  Then put in blender and bled until smooth... if the mixture is a little tight you can add some chicken stock, just make sure its low sodium, especially if you use it as baby food!
Cool and freeze.

Spoon cooled puree into ice cube trays, freeze and put into baggies.  When its time for babies feast... simply grab a cube and microwave it!  EASY PEASY!

Other cool trick.... do the EXACT same thing with sweet potatoes for some UBER Vitamins in your kids bellies!  :o)

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