Thursday, March 19, 2009

Pizza Balls

I cant bake very well! I dont like to measure or follow recipies so my baking projects tend to fall flat... literally. But this is a full proof baking item! And its great for parties, picky kids, or game night snackers! The bread mix makes it easy and really tastes great!

1 box of italian bread mix
1 container of pepperoni (anyway you prefer it)
1 bag of string cheese cut into 1 in peices
Olive oil

Jar of spaghetti or pizza sauce for dipping.

Follow instructions on box for making loafs or rolls. (rolls preferably.. but it depends on the box).
After you have finished all instructions on box, take the about a spoonful of dough and roll it into a ball. Place a peice of pepperoni and a peice of cheese and close the dough around it and re-roll it into a ball. Make sure you close the balls well. Place in a pre-greased muffin pan, seam side UP! After you fill up a muffin pan with your Pizza Balls, brush with olive oil. (Optional- top with a dash of garlic powder, salt & pepper).
Bake according to box instructions! Serve with sauce and enjoy!

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